I was a person who doubt a lot of things. A little skeptic, yep, that's how I was. We can never really trust things a lot with how the world goes today, can't we? Everything seems to be motivated by self-interests.
Then I came to the point when I got knocked in the head by what seems to be a coconut from the tree of epiphany. Doesn't doubting too many things make us sad? I used to think that seeing the wrong in things that seem so right is a key to wisdom. Until now, yes, I still do. But now to the point that I strongly hold on to that opinion anymore.
You see, life is as simple as it can be. Things are just what they are though they can be surprising at times, but everything is just... What it is. Then came people who dug into the deepest cores of things and started to complicate everything. Truth is that everything is complicated in their simplest ways. We just make them too complicated that we start losing hair.
I believe in the Yin Yang principle, that balance is maintained in the world. We need to see what's wrong to know what's right. We need to fall to know how to stand up again. We need to feel pain to know what pleasure is. But there are times that we ought to be happy--not that we close our minds to reality, but we just have to accept things as they are and do our best to make things right. Being happy is not letting things just happen; it is making things right by having an open mind to things that we should accept. Everything exists for a purpose--but don't get me started on cockroaches.
Life is fun. Love is all around. Sometimes, we have to take things slow to know what we could be missing. Let's step back from all the chaos and see what's in store for us in a day; a friend, a present, a funny situation, or a lover.
Let's not forget how to be happy every once in a while.
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