People try their best to hide what's wrong with them. Whitening lotions, thick make-ups, and fake eyelashes have become common to be able to look good for everyone else. The world today has made marketing huge that even people market themselves by creating an image that would please others.
Sometimes, we forget that nobody's perfect and that there are parts of ourselves that we just have to live with because they just exist to be a part of who we are.
My forehead can contain a map of China for a good tattoo. My nose is HUGE that on a worm's eyeview, it's like seeing a hippo standing. My forehead can contain a new face. My elbow is probably a showcase of my inner darker soul. My forehead can be a space for nuclear testings. My skin has a lot of remembrance: one from Mossie the Mosquito, one from boo boo, some more from Mossie and her friend Kit. My forehead can contain a galaxy. Pimples have left signatures on some parts of my face. My armpits are sad
Despite all of these, I love myself. I get rid of them, but if circumstances don't allow, who cares?? My forehead doesn't contribute to the fall of the Philippine economy. My face doesn't worsen global warming.
Sometimes, people need to accept how they really are. Our imperfections make us unique. We are not created to be EVERYTHING that we want to be. Imagine a person who has everything right. You couldn't ask for more. But the perfection just makes it boring. And we don't need to look a certain way unless we all want to look alike.
I embrace my physical imperfections. They just show who I am: not really wealthy, not much interesting for the many, and a hot meal for bugs. I still aim for a better look, but if I want people to accept me, I need to accept myself first.
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