Monday, March 14, 2011

E 5: From Flat To Fat

Lucky are we already to be able to eat at least 3 times a day. In my case, due to my shift, I only eat brunch and dinner. The thing is, my tummy is becoming a monster.
I used to be really thin. One of the reasons why I think that I am not human is I eat a lot but I didn't gain much weight. But now that I found a job to let me buy food for myself, things have gotten, well, I think, um... Out of hand.
Whenever I feel hungry nowadays, I feel like being deprived of food. Is it normal? It's like I'm going to be sick if I don't grab a bite. I wake up in the morning to eat brunch yet when I arrive at work after just an hour, I feel like having an empty stomach.
Eating for me is defined as having two cups of rice and viand, or munching on two sandwiches, or wolfing a big plate of pasta. Imagine how many times these happens within a day.
This is the reason why I gained larger arms, visible cheeks, and a flabby tummy. The only consolation is that I still don't fall under the definition of 'fat.' Yet, in my case, I consider this already fat.
Four months ago, my friends and I started going to the gym when I panicked regarding the disappearance of my incredible abs. (Okay, they were not incredible and there were only two of them). I've witnessed the good result in my body but when our friend and gym buddy Gabby got sick, we just suddenly felt lazy being gym buffs.
I'm glad that I gained weight. But the thing is my uncontrollable eating habits give an omen that things might lead into a BIG problem.
Is this really how it feels to be a little fat? You lack determination to work out though you desperately want to? I really really need help with this.
In the mean time, let me enjoy my food.

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